Mortimer Brewster, a theatre critic for a New York newspaper, is visiting his two maiden aunts who brought him up in the family home in Brooklyn. Mortimer is about to get engaged to the girl next door Elaine. His aunts are eccentric but kind and generous. His brother Teddy is a little crazy – he thinks he is Teddy Roosevelt and digs the Panama Canal in the cellar – but quite harmless.
Introducing the Brewster Boys. Teddy (Roosevelt) Brewster, hero of San Juan Hill, Mortimer the theatre critic, and Jonathon, well known to the police in many states and continents
When Mortimer discovers a dead body in the window seat, the last thing that occurs to him is it could be the work of his adorable aged Aunts….but they do like to add a little arsenic to their elderberry wine! If you want to know the most effective recipe for your wine don't miss the show
The arrival of a third brother, the psychopathic Jonathan, reveals how completely bonkers and homicidal the Brewster family is. Add to the mix, an alcoholic plastic surgeon, some completely inept policemen, an unsuspecting lodger and you have the recipe for an hysterically funny black comedy, which has stood the test of time.
This amateur production is presented by arrangement with Music Theatre International on behalf of Josef Weinberger Ltd. |